Air Conditioning Fundamentals: Pressure-Temperature Relationship (Module 6)
CourseThis module introduces the concept of temperature and temperature scales, including the meaning of "temperature" and the various temperature scales used in the HVAC industry.
Air Conditioning Fundamentals: Compression Cycle I (Module 7)
CourseThis module covers the air conditioning compression cycle process and what happens in the evaporator, including a discussion on why a liquid boils and changes to a saturated vapor and why a saturated vapor changes to a liquid.
Air Conditioning Fundamentals: Compression Cycle II (Module 8)
CourseThis module covers the concepts of volumetric efficiency and the manner in which the volumetric efficiency of a compressor affects its performance.
Air Conditioning Fundamentals: Refrigerant Tables (Module 9)
CourseThis module introduces various refrigerant tables and how they can be used to help to set controls, compute head pressure, set expansion valve superheat, note pressure drop and much more.
Air Conditioning Fundamentals: Refrigerant Properties (Module 10)
CourseThis module covers some common refrigerants in use today and their requirements.
Electricity for HVACR Technicians Full Course
BundleA thorough introduction to the concepts of electricity and magnetism, description of basic electrical devices that use these concepts, the concepts of alternating current and related devices, and the basic explanation of electrical schematics.