DDC Specification, Installation and Commissioning (SI)
CourseUnderstanding interoperability of controllers, network and data protocols with an introduction to BACnet and LonWorks. (SI), 4.5 PDHs. AIA approved.
Design for Building Electrical Systems (I-P)
CourseThis course covers the basics of direct digital control (DDC) systems and the associated components. Topics covered include the benefits of direct digital control systems, design of direct digital control systems, monitoring and interoperability
Direct Current Electrical Systems (I-P)
CourseThis course discusses the fundamentals of direct current (DC) electrical systems. Upon completing this course, you will be able to: Differentiate between direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC) electrical systems;
Dual-Duct and Multizone All-Air Systems (I-P)
CourseThis course explains the operation of dual-duct and multizone systems and describes their application through examples. It also describes their summer and winter operations, and outlines design approaches to meet seasonal demands.
Electric Controls (I-P)
CourseThis course provides instruction on introduction to electric controls, control diagrams and control logic. (I-P), 2.0 PDHs. AIA approved.
Energy Conservation and Efficiency in Buildings (I-P)
CourseThe course gives an overview of energy conservation and energy efficiency, and differentiates the different ways that energy conservation and efficiency can be applied to both new and renovated buildings. An overview of ASHRAE 90.1 will be given alon