Teaching Residential HVAC System Design Using 3D Software

Webinar Replay

Russ King, presents: Teaching Residential HVAC System Design Using 3D Software

Webinar Description: This presentation will cover the advantages of teaching residential HVAC design (ACCA Manuals J/S/D) using 3D software rather than traditional 2D software.  It will cover how to quickly build a 3D model of a house, export the house data to an ACCA approved Manual J load calculation software, size the equipment according to Manual S, then draw and size the ducts according to ACCA Manual D all in three dimensions.  

Students that are used to playing video games can visualize in 3D much better than 2D.  Designing and "building" duct systems in a virtual 3D environment is much more appealing to the next generation of HVAC professionals.

This webinar is intended for instructors.

After watching the webinar replay, participants will earn a certificate of completion with CEUs/CEHs.